Thursday, January 20, 2011

small epiphanies

While finishing my delicious Special K and reading Alma 42, I was feeling sad for Corianton and wondering if we ever find out if he leaves behind his indecencies. I've a bit better understanding of Adam and Eve, and what's with this whole tree of life stuff? Same one as in Lehi's dream? In some ways I think. Mercy and justice must equal each other out, yes yes. Funny how your mind rambles through these thoughts trying to make sense of the things you're spirit wants you to understand. It moved through to explaining how those that are evil will be punished, those that are righteous will be rewarded. Well, what about those that Doing nothing bad really, but doing nothing to better themselves.

They are those that will end up in the Telestial kingdom. Just content with the normal, not desiring anything specific or meaningful in their lives.

Well I don't want that! I want to be a goddess and queen. I want my family to be with me forever. I want everything that is promised if I follow the commandments and stay true to the covenants I've made. I don't want to live in monotony with everything being just acceptable. I want extraordinary! There is only one way to get what I want, be become my best potential.

I will do better, I will be better. I can't just be content with the way I am, because I'm not perfect and I need to be. I will work everyday to be better, more perfect, more like my Savior. I will start small, I know that I can't change everything in a week or a year. I know it will take a lifetime, but I look forward to being a better person than I was yesterday.

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